Complaints Service

KartSport New Zealand is committed to promoting responsible and respectful behaviour, plus nationwide rule compliance. To handle the volume of feedback often received, KartSport New Zealand has put in place the following complaints service.

How does the complaints service work?

Upon filling out the information form above and selecting your club/venue, a copy of the complaint will be sent to the relevant club selected. Likewise, a log of all complaints will be accessible by KartSport New Zealand staff.

The club concerned will be the first point of call for dealing with any issues arising from events. Generally speaking, club committees are in the best position to address concerns given their local knowledge of the event.

KartSport New Zealand will regularly check the log of complaints to ensure any highly serious, or potentially nationally relevant issues are escalated when required. It will also conduct regular check-ins with clubs for reports back on incidents.

What can I complain about?

  • Harassment / bullying
  • General misconduct
  • Health and safety risks
  • Offensive / insulting language or behaviour
  • Race day / club procedural matters
  • Competition matters – noting that powers of committees and KSNZ are limited post event.

What will happen after your complaint is received?

​​​​​​​The local club committee will handle the complaint in the first instance and be in contact with you in due course. The way the club handles the complaint may vary and may include, but is not limited to:

  • Offering further education on the matter
  • Conducting a fair committee lead investigation, understanding all sides of the issue.
  • Escalating the matter to KartSport New Zealand

Please note, KartSport New Zealand offers no guarantee that you will receive what you personally believe is a fair outcome, but the complaints service aims to ensure a fair process is followed nationwide.


There is lots of information about our sport on this website, however, if you have any specific questions or need some more help either:

Email: or phone 027 2747042