The Vortex Kiwi Mini ROK engine powers our two youngest Age Group Classes, Cadet ROK and Vortex Mini ROK.

Transition between these classes is very simple and inexpensive with just a change of the plug in RPM Limiter (from 11,000 rpm to 14,000 rpm) and a swap of exhaust header required.

Vortex has produced a comprehensive Installation, Run In and Service Manual. The Manual includes a list of tools required, step by step instructions with pictures, run in guidelines, service recommendations, key torque settings etc.

NOTE: FUEL, Vortex recommend 95 octane (RON) minimum.

NOTE: Spec oil must be used. Please see the relevant class rules in Section E for the correct oils HERE

CLICK HERE for the Mini ROK Installation, Run In and Service Manual - (October 2015) (25 MB file).

CLICK HERE for the Mini ROK Eligible Engine Numbers List - (Issue 30 updated 21-1-2025)

CLICK HERE for the Option 2 Ingition Fitting Instructions 

CLICK HERE for Section N Rule 10 (the current engine rules)