Ensure that an entry form (when required) is completed in full and correct in detail. Confirm the entry with the race organiser before practice or when required. Present to the examiners the kart in a clean and race-ready condition with a race suit, crash helmet, gloves, race footwear, current competition licence including proof of current club membership, and where applicable extra engines, carburettors and tyres. When requested, report to a race meeting official with your Competition Licence. Have the kart fully prepared for practice between times allocated. Store fuel in a safe location. Comply with all rules governing pit behaviour. Be fully acquainted with the programme, and when required, to assemble in the pit grid promptly. Leave the pit area clean and tidy. Be fully conversant with all rules governing kart competition. Attendance at Drivers Briefing is compulsory for all competitors and the nominated parent/guardian of minors.