Mini 950 Chassis Compliance Statement
In the period up to 2018 KartSport experienced significant parity issues in the Cadet class as related to chassis manufactured to Rule K3 - CHASSIS CADET 900.
When tested, a number of chassis appeared to have been manufactured and or modified from standard specification. After much research and deliberation, the KartSport Competitions Department and the Executive determined that the Cadet ROK and the Vortex Mini ROK classes would transition to fully homologated chassis. This was announced on 16 April 2018 with further details regarding implementation published on 1 June 2018.
Subsequently Rule K5 - CHASSIS MINI 950 was detailed in Rule Changes 2019-1 published on 1 March 2019. This provided 8 months’ notice ref Group F Club Day competition and 10 months’ notice ref Group E Open Event competition.
Rule Changes 2019-1 noted that Mini 950 chassis homologated by the CIK-FIA and/or the CSAI (Italian Karting Federation) were the only chassis permitted and approved to run at KartSport New Zealand tracks and events.
NOTE: Subsequently, following requests from local importers and checking by KartSport New Zealand, Mini 950 homologations from two more ASN’s were added on 1-7-19 (Rule Changes 2019-2):
This change to homologated chassis was to ensure all competitors, importers and officials may enjoy fair, transparent competition with easily identified and approved homologation papers and at the same time lessen the demand for constant expensive tube thickness testing and measuring processes at KartSport events.
NOTE: CIK-FIA, CSAI, RAF and FFSA homologation rules defined common tube measurements AND thickness etc. Some homologation rules, such as the Spanish homologation rules, do not specify tube thickness and others such as the German and British homologation rules permitted thinner tube thickness, hence these were not approved.
Homologation papers include details regarding chassis design, number of bends in the chassis tubes, etc.
Over recent times a number of trade shops have argued that chassis they have supplied to Kiwi competitors meet KartSport New Zealand’s rules and criteria. KartSport New Zealand has taken the time and expense to confirm the veracity of these claims with the CIK-FIA and CSAI in particular. Unfortunately the Covid19 pandemic has hampered this process however KartSport New Zealand can now confirm that both the CIK-FIA and CSAI have stated, that to be compliant, Mini 950 chassis must be produced in compliance with their respective homologation papers with homologation plates that match the photos in the respective papers (or have had updated plate designs, with identical wording, approved by the respective ASN/homologating body) and plates affixed to the chassis at time of manufacture.
Further, the CIK-FIA has confirmed that all Mini 950 chassis homologated by them must have the chassis plates welded to the frame and that the chassis plates, including brand, must match the plate photo shown in the respective homologation papers.
Likewise, the CSAI has confirmed all CSAI homologated chassis manufactured since 2015 must have had the chassis plate welded to the frame. (Prior to 2015 attachment by rivet was permitted.)
The only Mini 950 chassis and brands homologated by the CIK-FIA are as per this document:
The only Mini 950 chassis and brands homologated by the CSAI are as per these two documents:
NOTE: If one or all of the following applies:
This is a matter that needs to be addressed with the entity you purchased the product from.
All competitors and trade suppliers know and fully understand KartSport New Zealand operates to a set of rules designed to deliver fairness and parity to all competitors and professional suppliers must ensure the products they market, sell, supply or purchase fully meet KartSport New Zealand’s rules.
At all times KartSport New Zealand has answered questions of local suppliers and has assisted/given advice, when asked, regarding the introduction of the homologated Mini 950 chassis. However, it would appear that some importers have made decisions either without seeking the appropriate advice and/or have ignored KartSport New Zealand rules and advice.
Important notes:
Warrick Parkes Graeme Moore
Competitions Manager KartSport President
Known Non-Compliant Chassis
PDB Falcon Mini 950:
The homologation chassis plates attached to the PDB Falcon Mini 950 karts as shown in the photo below are not displayed as shown in the Homologation Papers supplied for this chassis (CSAI 08/CH/14), therefore, making this chassis non-compliant with KartSport New Zealand rules. The CSAI and CIK have recently both confirmed to KartSport New Zealand that this plate is not legal under CSAI or CIK rules and homologation requirements, as this is not the chassis homologation plate (or an approved update) the CSAI approved to be attached to the chassis at the time of homologation.
Haase Corsa Mini 950:
The Haase Corsa Mini 950 karts displaying the CSAI 09-CH-14 chassis homologation plate as shown in the photo below are required like all other manufacturers of Mini 950 chassis to have chassis homologation papers matching the chassis homologation plate that was issued at the time of homologation.
The Haase Corsa Mini 950 chassis displaying the CSAI 09-CH-14 chassis homologation plate does not comply with CSAI or CIK homologation requirements or CSAI, CIK or KartSport New Zealand rules because the CSAI has not homologated or issued any homologation papers for a Mini 950 Haase Corsa. The CSAI 09-CH-14 homologation number is for the EKS Diablo Mini 950 kart. The CSAI and CIK have recently both confirmed to KartSport New Zealand that this chassis plate is not legal under CSAI or CIK rules.
LGK Branded Mini 950:
It is not legal under CSAI and CIK rules and homologation requirements or by KartSport New Zealand rules to have two different and conflicting homologation plates attached to a chassis. The CSAI and CIK have recently both confirmed this with KartSport New Zealand. This applies to homologated chassis and also to all homologated equipment from all manufacturers.
In the example photo below taken from a Mini 950 LGK branded/stickered kart, the photo shows two different and conflicting homologation plates attached to the chassis. When this chassis was homologated by the CIK, the manufacturer attached the CIK homologation plate to the chassis at the time of manufacture (which is the correct procedure.) This CIK homologation chassis plate corresponds with the photo shown in the respective homologation papers for a EKS Eagle 009-CH-02 chassis. The CSAI chassis homologation plate has been added to the chassis sometime after CIK homologation.
Further Clarifications Regarding Mini 950 Chassis Homologation Plates.
The CSAI and CIK have both confirmed with KartSport New Zealand that the CSAI accepted a change in the manufacture of the chassis plate as long as the information on the plate was according to the homologation papers and it was welded to the chassis at the time of manufacture. Some chassis manufacturers updated their method of manufacture of the chassis homologation plate from being stamped to being laser etched.
Since 2015 all CSAI chassis plates have been welded to the chassis and all CIK-FIA plates have been welded from the commencement (2020) of the CIK-FIA homologation period for Mini 950 karts.
It is not permitted to modify, alter, or disguise a chassis homologation plate in any way or form, from how the chassis was homologated at the time of homologation. A photo of the chassis homologation plate is shown in the homologation papers for each respective homologated chassis.
Warrick Parkes
Competitions Manager
KartSport New Zealand