Future cemented for Vortex Cadet & Mini ROK classes

Launching in 2014, the Vortex Cadet ROK and Mini ROK engines have transformed KartSport’s youngest classes into sort-after and competitive categories. After eight years of progress, KartSport New Zealand and engine suppliers the OTK Kart Group are excited to announce a further three-year contract extension.

This contract extension, which comes into effect from 1st January 2023, will secure the immediate future of both classes and allow the sport to continue to invest with confidence. Importantly, it will also represent a 12-year period of supply from this outstanding and highly successful homologated engine. While KartSport continues to see impressive growth across the board, hitting 10-year licence records, the Mini ROK class has been particularly strong with 40% growth through the past three years alone.

The OTK Group is extremely positive about the future here in New Zealand.

“We, at OTK Kart Group, are very excited to continue this challenge and again have the chance to supply our Vortex Mini ROK engines to New Zealand drivers in the future. We have seen lots of drivers racing, having fun, challenging each other in the Cadet and Junior Restricted level classes in these past years and it has been (and still is) a pleasure for us to be part of this incredible reality.”

Founded in the 60’s and developed throughout the decades, the OTK Kart Group is a world leader in the karting industry. The organisation uses its years of experience competing and supplying equipment at some of the world’s most prestigious competitions, combined with a constant research and development program, to continue to refine their product offering.

Vortex Mini ROK engines are supplied to the New Zealand market through their New Plymouth based distributor Supreme Kart Supplies, with Director Maurice Frost equally enthused about the future.

“The team at Supreme Kart Supplies are very excited to have the Vortex Mini ROK Engine contract extended. The philosophy behind the engine fits perfectly with the New Zealand market along with the tight rules and manufacturing consistency. The engine continues to provide very competitive racing across the two classes, a far cry from the old days of the Raket 85 and Yamaha Junior Restricted engines where competitors paid large sums of money to get a winning engine. This along with the ease of transition from Cadet ROK to Mini ROK has played a big part in the growth and success of the classes. We look forward to continuing to supply a world leading product to help the sport in New Zealand.”

For the leadership and management team at KartSport New Zealand, this contract extension is a positive and continued step forwards.

“The past few years have been incredibly tough for all sporting organisations, but the growth and on-track action provided by both ROK classes has continued to be nothing short of exceptional. This deal will not only provide added security to already popular categories, but also continue KartSport’s mission to offer competitive, equitable and sustainable racing options for all families. We can’t thank both OTK Kart Group and Supreme Kart Supplies enough for their continued support of this cause”, commented KSNZ’s Chief Operating Officer James Hadley. 

Both these classes will be showcased in full glory at the 2022 Gazley Sprint Nationals to be held at KartSport Wellington Jun 25-26, with quality fields already entered to battle for National Championships.

Article added: Monday 30 May 2022



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