KartSport New Zealand Sprint Nationals rescheduled

A major change to previous editions of our illustrious Sprint Nationals, 2022 will see two separate events held to crown our National champions. The first event, to be held from June 24-26, will see a large focus on youth classes. This will give as many competitors as possible the chance to compete at the title event, before aging out of their class. The second event will follow on August 26-28 and include all other championship classes not already run. Splitting this year’s event will give the ability to weather any sudden changes to legislation, and importantly allow crucial backup in place for skilled roles, should isolation issues continue to affect the sport. 

Each event will be held over two days, with practice during the Saturday and competition throughout Sunday. Friday will act as a pack-in day for teams and the club, while official check in and tyre allocation will take place Saturday afternoon. As the original hosts for this year’s event, KartSport Wellington have tentatively been granted the option to host both new events. It is expected crucial intelligence will also be gained through the first event which can be easily transferred to the second. Please note, practice will be unavailable at the venue the week prior to each event. 

KartSport New Zealand are committed to the continued support and growth of the sport, in the face of recent challenges. However, while the management team has taken care to find the most ideal sport-wide solution, it acknowledges that this approach won’t be perfect and may impact some competitors and clubs negatively. We sincerely apologise in this case.

KartSport New Zealand’s Chief Operating Officer, James Hadley, was excited about the new strategy. “We’ve committed a significant amount of time methodically working our way through this situation with the hope of finding a workable solution - while considering factors both in and out of our control. We’ve also aimed to keep the sport informed where possible and this early announcement of tentative dates is a continuation of that.”

Although KSNZ recognises that the Government have recently made significant changes in reducing Covid legislation, the two-event concept will remain in place for 2022 regardless. Our sport still currently faces major stress points including infection rates, isolation rules and supply chains to name a few. Additionally, the investment needed by all parties requires a consistent strategy to deliver the events successfully. 

While the ROK Cup series has now been concluded (see below press release), the KartStars Series will still be up for grabs with points for each class available at each event. This will see the KartStars brand continue to build momentum ahead of it’s second edition in 2023, which is currently being worked through.

The cancellation of Easter KartSport Sprint Nationals as per the original 2022 event calendar and subsequent decision to split the National Sprint Championships into two or more events, has been made under Regulations B11.5 and B11.6. Please see below for full event information. 

Please note: Both events are subject to final contractual and logistical sign off, plus any increased (although unlikely) restrictions.

James Hadley

Chief Operating Officer, KartSport New Zealand


2022 KartSport New Zealand National Sprint Championship - Event 1

KartSport Wellington

Friday 24th June: Pack-in day

Saturday 25th June: Practice, official sign in & tyre allocation, ROK Cup prizegiving

Sunday 26th June: Racing & prizegiving at the track

Championship classes: Cadet ROK, Vortex Mini ROK, Vortex ROK DVS Junior, Rotax Max Junior, Vortex ROK DVS Senior.


2022 KartSport New Zealand National Sprint Championship - Event 2

KartSport Wellington

Friday 26th August: Pack-in day

Saturday 27th August: Practice, official sign in & tyre allocation

Sunday 28th August: Racing & prizegiving at the track

Championship Classes: Rotax Max Light, Rotax Max Heavy, Rotax DD2, KZ2, KZ2 Heavy

*All classes subject to standard entry procedures around forming a class. Non-championship support classes may be added if required.


Article added: Thursday 24 March 2022



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